"People think adult-film stars can do every position all night long. Well, here’s a secret—I totally suck at reverse cowgirl. I wish I could put it in every one of my contracts that I don’t have to do it. It’s way too much work on the legs. And to be honest, I don’t like putting that much effort into sex.”

Heh..very funny. I am furious she doesn't like reverse cowgirl though. It should be her responsibility to workout, so that it's easier to do. She's a pornstar, she should be able to do my favorite positions.
Also funny, cuz I ran across a site last night called cleancafe.com (i think) and it lists the top 20 searched for stars, and has a decent set of links to their specific clips (the small ones, like 15-30 seconds). Its a handy way to study up on some stars I wasn't familiar with....not that I'm into this stuff.
Why does her face look like she's 80? She looks like Talia Shire. Very disappointing. She's getting old.
Love the tig-o-bities though.
I hate this bitch. My real name is Tara Patrick. She stole this from me. Her real name is Linda Hopkins.
I don't think she is starting to look old. She is only 29. Supposedly those tigolbitties you love so much are real. I have my doubts. She is married to an actor named Evan Seinfeld who played a character named Jaz Hoyt on Oz.
Those are definitely implants.
She's married to Jaz? That's nuts. That guy was all tattooed and husky. She must like "bad boys".
I have runny across these lazy stars- they work best in g -bangs where they can pounded into oblivion. with respect to paul's doubts, one of her first films was in the Nice Rack series by Anabolic- which only uses girls with natural ones- why they were huge then- they do appear to look larger in the fhm cover- however, the upward angle of the photo might be playing a trick on the eye with respect to this feature.
She had something done to those boobies. I am also in shock that she loves OZ. Next thing I know, she will boxing too. What's next she will be a Syracuse fan?
Tera patrick was known as having an awesome natural rack for a long time...she shocked the community when she got implants. I just know this...because I have a problem. So yes, those are implants.
This piece of information is further confirmation that she is a dirty dirty girl who ... [the rest could not be committed to writing]
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