He never was quite the cuddly little beast Mrs. Poop wanted.
But Audrey was a good pet.
He traveled with Mrs. Poop from Syracuse to Connecticut then to Staten Island when we first moved in together.
He came with us to New Jersey then when we bought a house he got his own room in the basement where he was occassionally harrassed by his new brother Diesel.
Right after Chase was born Audrey got sick, and now Audrey passed away.
Audrey was 8 years old.
We'll miss you little bunny.
I'm sorry for your loss. I love small animals. My wife and I adopted 2 guinea pigs a few years back and they were wonderful pets before both passing away this summer. We adopted two new ones (Roxy and Snuffy) this fall and they've been great, too.
RIP Audrey
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