Saturday, February 25, 2006

Now It Can Be Told

After several references to it in the past few weeks I think I should explain the incident between Pizza Parlor Derek's mother and me.
Back in 1998 we stopped at PP Derek's house on the way to Wrestlemania in Boston.
When we got there his mom was watching figure skating on TV. Rudy Galindo was skating to a medley of The Village People's greatest hits and mincing around like a nancy boy on the ice. I commented that it was funny that he was doing this because he is gay. Derek's mom said "no, they just showed his wife, he's not gay." I said "I just read an article about him and he's gay and he has a partner and a lot of his friends died of AIDS." She insisted one more time, and so did I.
Over the years the story became a microcosm of everything that's wrong with me (I'm obnoxious, I always have to be right, I insult people and I have no couth). That couth thing came right from Josh.
Years later the truth came out and Derek's mom admitted to having gotten Galindo confused with Paul Wylie. Ever since then I have brought this up during any discussion of homosexuality. And that went on to serve as a microcosm for how I never let jokes die and I like to beat dead horses. But that's another matter. I hope you enjoyed the story.

Rudy Galino -- In the Navy

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